
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

22 December 2004

Police Dogs Victimised in Work Conflict 

During the past few months, police officers of the Oslo canine unit have been in a conflict with the governing body because of cutbacks in the amount of money they get for keeping the dogs at home when not working. Earlier today it was reported that the five police dogs in question have fallen ill due to being put in too small cages in drafty areas and for not being looked after more than a couple of hours a day. The veterinarian who came to check on them relocated the dogs immediately. The people in charge deny everything, both parties of the conflict blame the others. Both claim to love animals. Nope, don't think so. These people should not be allowed to keep any pets, and preferably not have any children either. When you're able to do this to other beings you are a danger to society. It's cruel and there is no excuse for such behaviour. There's something called "common decency" which these people clearly lack.

In other news this morning, another convicted murderer is on the loose. I wonder what on earth possessed the lawmakers to allow for any prisoner to get weekends off. I mean, for Bob's sake, what kind of a punishment is this, when you get a holiday from prison now and then? Why isn't anyone doing anything about it when it obviously doesn't work (whatever they're trying to do)? There is a fundamental wish in this country to help those that are less fortunate. In cases like these, I think perhaps (and I say this in the most sarcastical way) that the less fortunate party is the victim's family, not the murderer. The mother of the victim stated in a brief interview that this was the worst piece of news she could have got just before Christmas, and that it ruined everything now that she knew her son's murderer would be out there somewhere.

I've still got this Danish "commercial" in mind when things like these pop up. The snippet is of someone sitting in a white room, looking very much like a cell, and while the camera slowly zooms out the text on the screen says something like "Peter has been inside for four years because of an act of violence." Then you realise this Peter character is sitting in a kitchen, as the camera pans around, and the text reads "The offender is still out there somewhere."

Merry Christmas!

Current track: Nothing.

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