
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

13 December 2004

The show was, without wishing to sound like Jason Isaacs who doesn't wish to sound like a surfer (have a look at the extras on your Black Hawk Down DVD), awesome. They'd polished the routines since last I saw Sound of Musvik and it was actually even funnier this time around! Of course, our seats helped; I ended up sitting literally right next to the two actors on several occasions and was wearing biscuit crumbs for half of the first act. It is a brilliant play/musical/whatever and I know I will kick myself for not seeing it more often.

For the rest of the weekend I've been more or less stuck in front of the telly, playing The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age on PlayStation. I don't know what the fuss is all about; it's like the reviewers out there have all gone bitchy and moany. I've read reviews that have given the game 50% and reviews that have ended up on a 90%. I'm thinking the 50% people need a bit of lightening up to do. So what if it looks and feels a lot like Final Fantasy X? FFX is such a great game that another game based on that model certainly doesn't hurt. PLUS, some of the reviewers keep moaning about how strange it is that they've created new characters for the LotR universe that Tolkien never wrote about; these are stereotypical LotR fans, those that are mad because they discovered the trilogy long before it became popular - well, if it hadn't been popular there wouldn't be any films and you keep telling us how those three films rule and how there will never be any films like it and that anyone who doesn't think the films are the eighth, ninth and tenth wonders of the world must be stupid. People like that bore me; they have a one-track mind and are scared of other people. They try to be different by looking like everyone else among the LotR fans. Lack of imagination, I'd say.

The game is very good, though. ;-)

Current track: Nothing.

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