
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

04 December 2004

You Will Die in My Kitchen, You Bastard! 

What a sad life I'm leading these days. For the past four days I have been mostly eating haggis locked up in my flat, studying for my exams coming up next week. This has resulted in my not having talked to anyone for days, and thus when I noticed a fly in my kitchen just half an hour ago, I uttered the above sentence to it. In English, of course, because it was clearly a foreign fly. I mean, all the Norwegian ones have flown somewhere warmer a long time ago. This one must have had both a faulty compass as well as a rubbish thermometre.

And it will die in my kitchen, as it most probably won't fly outside into the cold weather.

Sitting there, by the dining table (which was meant to be an interim solution when I moved in nearly three years ago), reading in poor lighting, I eventually had to admit that at least the view is rather good:

And while out there, I also found this:

It's partially melted snow, which looks just like that phoney snow they use in Hollywood films because they can't be arsed to go anywhere colder than California and do some research.

I needed to take a break from my studying now, as one of the authors was annoying me beyond belief. It seems as if the authors whose first language isn't English tend to have this inferiority complex that involves having to write as elaborately as possible. Unfortunately, this particular (Greek) author made mistake upon mistake and also couldn't decide whether she was writing British English or American English. I soon got hung up in her shifts between s/z and ou/o within the same paragraph and just had to browse through the rest of the article. I hope her work doesn't come up on the exam.

Also, all through the day, I've been taking short breaks between chapters and have got through one-third of American Beauty that way. I haven't seen it for years and so had forgotten how brilliant that film is. Such wonderful actors. Such a great script.

Current track: Nothing.

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:) Aug
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