
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

05 January 2005

Garfield the Great 

I watched Garfield the other day, or rather Pusur, which is the Norwegian-dubbed version. According to friends and other reviewers from abroad, the film wasn't worth it. According to Norwegian friends and reviewers, the film was definitely worth it. I thought it was going to be crap, but the Norwegian reviews were right; it was hilarious! (I was trying not to be too biased, considering three of my favourites were dubbing the film, three whose names have been mentioned on this blog frequently.) So I would, once again, suggest that everyone who didn't like the film, or who hasn't seen it yet, or everyone else, really, should learn Norwegian and watch our version, because it apparently gave the original a whole new dimension.

(My server is down. Sorry.)

Current track: Some boring song on the radio.

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