
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

10 January 2005

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning! 

So it's afternoon, who cares? Have I been hiding or something? Since I visited their website...uhmm...very late last year (I'm guessing New Year's Eve), Oslo Nye Teater have made a few additions. The most important is that they're giving in to popular demand and extending the run of Sound of Musvik (which I have a sneaking suspicion they were planning on doing all along...making a brand new musical for very few dates during a two-month-period couldn't possibly be a very economical situation for anyone involved. Ahem.), but also they're going to put up West Side Story next year (the theatre is turning into our new national musical venue, it seems). I have no idea who's going to be in it, but I bet it's going to be fab. I just hope I'll be able to see it. Anyway, Musvik: Yay!

Current track: Erasure - Breathe

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