
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

27 January 2005

The Princess Diaries 2: Why Did They Bother? 

And why did we bother paying through our noses to go see it? There were a couple or three funny lines, but apart from that this film is made up of very, very cheap laughs based on everything that happened in the last film and a predictability I haven't seen for about ten years. Everything that was about to happen was so obvious even the kids were bored. Why on earth the actors would be involved in this voluntarily is beyond me. (I hope they were under contract.) I wonder whether they were all on acid or something when they both wrote and filmed this. And the writers clearly have little experience with real life and none whatsoever with royalty. OK, so it's Disney and that is a fantasy world on its own, but still you would think they would be interested in making it remotely like anything based on reality. Alas, this is just yet another example of the general ignorance we are being shown daily through reports (on CNN, even!) of stupid things that are happening in the US of A. We really need for the intelligent Americans to stand up for themselves now and not just give up or move abroad, or we will lose what little faith we still have in your country. I know you exist (since I know several of you), so come out, come out wherever you are. It's become PC to call Americans stupid and when referring to weird events and/or people, we often find that putting a "s/he was an American, of course" at the end of such a story is almost mandatory, because that is more and more often the case. The US is becoming the laughing-stock of the world, not that other word beginning with an L, leader, as their president would have us think.

Current track: Something off the radio.

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