
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

08 January 2005

The Tsunami 

First of all, I'm simply amazed at all the stories I hear about the immense self-sacrifice and organisation among the Thai in all of this. Makes me think and worry about whether I would do the same, had it been me.

In all of this, I must say I am so glad this didn't happen as a result of a terrorist attack or something similar. It could have been the last drop. Instead, there is a surge of international help. Hopefully this will last, although I've had disturbing news these past few days, for instance about countries promising to give aid and then withdrawing the money from their aid budgets, which basically means they take money from other poor countries and give it to the tsunami countries. That is so low-life. It's like saying "look at me! I'm such a kind country, I hope everyone takes note of that?!"

I wish I could afford to give more money, but alas, I could just spare a day's pay. Knowing me, you probably won't be too surprised to learn that my choice of recipient was the animal kingdom. Luckily, I live in a senselessly rich country and some of that money we're giving comes from the taxes I've paid recently. We've had two "telethons" this weekend, plus people have been swarming the streets collecting money for the Red Cross, Save the Children, Church Aid etc. I hope we will remember this so that we will continue the aid for years to come (in addition to what we usually give, that is).

On top of all of this, I can't help but wondering how people can still believe there is a god (or several, all depending). Of all the places this could have happened, this so-called god had to choose an area which was already very poor. Personally, I don't see the point in a god that keeps "testing" his/her people. It must be a very sadistic and egotistical god, and that's not my definition of "god", ergo he/she doesn't exist. (Uh-oh, that'll make the fanatics mad!)

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