
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

01 February 2005

Elephantine News! 

A circus worker was crushed beneath an elephant this week in Indiana, USA. I couldn't help but smirk. It's the animals' only possibility of revenge on their abusers. That's why I always hope for someone to be killed in Pamplona during the bull's run. I'm actually hoping for a mass death there as soon as possible, since it looks as if that's the only way they'd be persuaded to stop the cruelty. Nevertheless, I'm not going to visit Spain until they stop that ridiculous but highly lucrative bull fighting AKA bull murdering tradition. And I stopped going to the circus when I became old enough to understand what was going on behind the scenes. There are, however, a lot of things to avoid if you're trying to boycott every single animal abuser and you'll have to pay close attention to what all the major companies and conglomerates are doing out there. I'm pretty sure I'm using or wearing something which after a bit of investigation would lead me to someone who's abusing animals. But you've got to start somewhere, and boycotting Spain as a whole is a good start. I can't really boycott my own country, since I live here, but that would be a fine place to begin as well. We kill seals, whales and wolves for no reason other than financial ones and that is as far away from ok as you can get.

I still cannot believe a so-called Christian politician would give the green light for killing protected wolves. But then again, the organised Christians have never been very

1) Christian
2) Open-minded
3) Fond of animals
4) Fond of people
5) Fond of anyone but themselves and their immediate families
5A) as long as their immediate family follow their strict (yet fluctuating) rules

And stop buying those souvenir trinkets made out of ivory. They're not cute. They're the reason why hundreds of elephants lie rotting beneath the African or South Asian sun somewhere. Shame on you.

Current track: Nothing.


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