
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

08 February 2005

I Should Read More 

I have got so many books that I should have read a long time ago I'm having problems looking at my bookshelves. What I should do is to sit down for an hour or so every day and read something. I mean, I'm currently reading Stephen Fry's Making History and I love it. Still, I just read a chapter before getting up in the morning. It's probably much better entertainment reading his book than watching telly or playing a game or washing up (especially that!), and yet I don't do it. I blame the lack of a proper place to sit and some real lighting, but what it all comes down to is that I have turned to "fast" entertainment, that kind they're feeding teenagers with these days. Many of the shows targeted at teens are based on the same layout: There's a main frame featuring some hip and cool people being filmed by a rather shaky cameraperson (or so it seems), then below that frame there's some message, maybe some news or a poll or something, then on the right side of the frame there's a message window where people can text the people in the studio with their questions or greetings or something. Then there's usually a fourth frame showing multimedia messages that people send in or some music video or another shot of the studio or something similar. That's four things to keep an eye on at the same time. No wonder people are restless these days.

Current track: Still nothing.

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