
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

27 February 2005

A Lesson in Snow 

This winter has been remarkable in that we've had precious little snow. Much more, it seems, has ended up in Jack & Bobby land (WB). Now, as it happens, Hollywood isn't frequently visited by blizzards, so naturally they don't know what that is. But I thought most people had heard of snow. Alas, the set designers during this week's episode decided to put blankets of cotton fluff all over the place in the background. Snow doesn't wrinkle. This should be lesson number one. Also, when there's that much snow around it's fairly safe to say you would see puffs of frosty breath emerging from the mouth of whomever would be talking at the time. Oh, and for your information - snow doesn't cling around tree trunks when there's lots of green grass to wallow in.

And I'm not sure, but did they think Finland is a Scandinavian country? Because it isn't. Scandinavia consists of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. It's really simple. They're the original Viking countries (they moved to Iceland a bit after that). If you're uncertain of European geography, don't write a show about a President. Well, unless it's about Bush, because then it'd be a reality show.

I'm going to bed - back in six hours to watch the Oscars and leave sarcastic remarks about the winners and the speeches and leave the dresses to whomever is commenting from the red carpet.

Current track: DumDum Boys - Se min kjole

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"Scandinavia consists of Denmark, Norway and Sweden"

Does it? Being a cantankerous person and a stickler for geographical details I need to point out that the Scandinavian peninsula comprises Norway and Sweden only. Denmark is .. ahem ... part of that continental thing. ;) Aug
Haha, that's been bothering me all my life as well. The political Scandinavia, however, apparently consists of the already mentioned three countries.
A political entity? .. maybe … but not necessarily a cultural one. The Danes possess the power of really elegantly evil sarcasm and a much better developed taste for the best things in life, including looong breakfasts celebrating ‘Tuborg’ and ‘Aqua Vita’.

And they have roller coasters like nothing in Sweden and Norway! :-)

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