
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

07 March 2005

"It's my first time I've 'ad salad" 

I actually had tears in my eyes while watching Jamie's School Dinners last week, where famous cook Jamie Oliver tries to do something about England's school dinners ('cause the councils obviously can't be arsed to). It's really devastating to see what they're feeding their kids. The general ignorance among the parents doesn't help, either. The children are being fed junk food all through childhood and it clearly affects their health. Jamie's proven that it is possible to make healthy food on a tight budget - and we're talking a very tight budget here; less than 45p per helping.

So when little whatshisface proudly states that Jamie's salad is the first salad he's ever eaten, I'm thinking what the f**k happened to normal, healthy food. We didn't have junk food when I was growing up; sure, we had sweets but hardly any TV dinners and such and the fast food chains didn't arrive here until what was it? Less than twenty years ago? So I'm used to home cooked meals (and yes, my mother worked full time) to a much larger degree than what my generation is feeding its kids. You can't really blame the parents for both having to work all the time, now can you? So what's left? Ignorance, obviously. Because when parents are told that their children's sugar level makes them go bonkers and that the amount of reconstituted food they're given makes them ill, they do in many cases widen their eyes and start thinking maybe that junk food wasn't such a good idea after all.

And if it turns out that all it does come down to is not enough time on the parents' hands, well, then shame on them.

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