
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

16 March 2005

The Quest for Scandinavia - Part Two 

I have been told off by several people lately for not having updated this blog. Well, tough.

A friend of mine, after having seen the (now) infamous episode of Jack and Bobby where they talk about Finland and other Scandinavian countries, looked it up on the 'Net and discovered that the North American tourist boards for the five Nordic countries have gone together and created a website called GoScandinavia - no wonder the Americans are confused. This really annoys me. It annoyed my friend as well, who sent them a message asking them for their reason to do this. Well, their answer was somewhere in the region of "since Iceland and Finland have started promoting themselves as Scandinavian countries, we decided to go together and call us GoScandinavia". In Eddie Izzard's immor(t)al words: Oh. For. Fuck's. Sake.

Yesterday I had to accompany the boss whilst interviewing a couple of job applicants. Quite interesting (and a bit scary, at first) to be on the other side of the table. Once I remembered they were there to sell themselves and probably were much more nervous than I was, the interviews started going well. Of course, afterwards I realised that my less-than-confident boss relied on me to give an insightful review of the candidates in order for him to make any decision whatsoever. Sheesh.

Current track: Sigvart Dagsland & Karoline Krüger - Ka e du redd for (I really hate that song)

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How can you HATE Sigvart? That's impossible...
I hope you're going to update your blog soon! There better be some recaps of the three movies you saw on saturday, or else... I'm going to send you two - possibly three - text messages per day. You heard me! -Cato
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