
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

05 March 2005

We Are Sending Four Pudgy, Middle-aged Glam Rockers to Kiev! 

This may not seem to be such a bad idea to you...and I agree! Although probably for a completely different reason from yours. Our national Eurosong finals finished an hour ago and I have to admit I think we're going to rock the European finals in Kiev this year. It's been ten years since we last won and twenty years since our first win, so statistically we're supposed to win this year. We had to pick a winner, though, and I...well, I changed views midway through. I thought I had a sure winner, but it was also the most typical Eurosong tune; Jorun Erdal singing I am Rock'n'Roll - she's a wonderful singer and the song was very catchy. It got all my votes during the first round. But then something happened. I had sort of hoped she wouldn't get to the last round, because that would have made my choice so much easier. But of course there really was no competition, so she did get to the final round and that's when I changed my mind and voted for the aforementioned pudgy glam rockers instead: Wig Wam and their In My Dreams. Well worth a listen! It's one of those hit or miss songs, though. And unfortunately our history shows that most of our contributions have been misses, some of them completely off the mark, even (we're the infamous nil points country). Let's hope it goes Wig Wam's way this year. Our national oil fund just reached the one trillion kroner mark this week, so we've got lots of money we need to spend on either "the best Olympics ever" or "the best Eurosong ever", and since we didn't get through with our last bid for the Olympics...you do the math (because I can't be bothered to explain it to you).

Wig Wam

My only comment about the much too short and boring Academy Awards ceremony last weekend is this: Thank god Leonardo DiCaprio didn't win!

Actually, I've got one more comment. The only non-boring point during the ceremony was when that woman won for best short film or whatever and she went up to the microphone and said that back in the UK, where she comes from, they'd say this was the dog's bollocks, and the Swedish commentator stated rather drily during the break that the only reason the producer didn't hit the five-second censorship button was that they wouldn't know what the hell she was talking about.

I have spent most of my day playing The Sims 2: University, and thanks to my awfully slow computer I have also managed to read through the last third of Stephen Fry's Making History, which was absolutely brilliant. I want to be Stephen Fry when I grow up.

Current track: Arlene Wilkes - This is Where You Got it From

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