
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

10 April 2005

All That Jazz...and Technological Advancements 

Warning: Jazz has nothing to do with this post. Please go elsewhere if that's what you were looking for.

May I just state how much I adore being able to fully submit my tax return online this year? I have submitted it online ever since we were allowed to, but this is the first time we can do all sorts of changes and submit it without having to post a letter and destroy some more forests. Brilliant. Won't be long until we may vote online. Yay. Let's not leave our homes ever again. ;-)

Part the second of my newfound paganism (read yesterday's entry): I have deemed Eddie Izzard one of my (many) gods. Actually, he's been more or less a god to me for eight years now (I can't believe I became a fan of his after having seen just a short interview with him), but last week he visited Wossy on BBC One (the link leads you to his radio show microsite, though) and he's got it! Remember my seemingly endless rant about how people confuse Scandinavia with the Nordic region? Well, Eddie dearest has understood the whole thing, and even though Jonathan still was confused by the time the show ended, at least none of them said anything mocking about any of the five countries involved. That really warms my inferiority complexed Norwegian heart. *s*

To sum up what I've been doing lately, and thus explaining why I haven't bothered about coming around here - I have been keeping busy tidying this place but most of all I have switched between playing GTA San Andreas (I make a daft gangsta), Dynasty Tactics 2 (finally got through one of the main campaigns), Amplitude (not recommended for the coordination challenged), Shadow of Memories (which was fun but short - and no, I don't wish to know all the endings) and Final Fantasy VIII on the PlayStation (2) and The Sims 2 (University) on the PC - my "let's leave them over night and see what happens" guinea pig family of six people, who were very content as I went to sleep, all died and had turned into three urns and three headstones by the time I got up the next morning. I have just moved in a ghost-crazy family of three and hope to see a lot of spirit action going on there soon. Also, I have overdosed on Spooks (MI5 in the US) lately. I realised they had started showing the third series on one of the Swedish channels and I hadn't seen the second series yet! So off to eBay I went and got hold of the second series and watched all ten episodes in a very short period of time (skipped all the wonderful extra features, though). Phew. Still, not even close to the overdose I got in September 1998 when I had taped three months of daily half-hour episodes of the Australian series A Country Practice. I had to watch them and keep taping the new episodes for a few weeks until I had caught up with everything. Of course, I was a student at the time. *winks*

Current track: Barenaked Ladies - Alternative Girlfriend

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I miss A Country Practice :( What happened to that show anyway? -Cato (that's right, I said it again)
They tried to buff it up somewhat just as all the main characters but two left the show, and after one series they realised ten years had been enough for most people. (And you can sign with your own name instead of "Anonymous" :-) )
Well I'll be darned... It would appear that you are indeed right
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