
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

15 April 2005

The Weekend Will be Landing Shortly! 

And I should be heading home to do the washing-up and some tidying and packing and stuff, but I have a feeling I may just vegetate in front of the telly instead. I "forgot" eating supper yesterday (meaning I couldn't be bothered to make any), so I have to get a grip tonight.

Meanwhile, at work, I am terribly bored, even though there was a "near-apocalypse crisis" here earlier as one of my co-workers deleted a very crucial file on the server system. My boss, AKA The Über-Twat, switched between throwing a tantrum and almost fainting, before we managed to get him to shut up and leave the premises while we worked it out.

Current track: Cyni Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun


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