
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

12 May 2005

Another Dive Into the VHS Collection 

This time I recovered Soultaker, a film that I bought as a backup tape - they were selling old VHS for cheap at the video rental shop in case people wanted more tapes to record unto. They probably didn't think anyone would actually deem any of the films good enough to keep. Now, this film has received a wonderful score of 2.0 on IMDb and to be honest, it's not that bad. I think I'd give it 3.5 for the nice effort. This so-called thriller stars none other than Joe Estevez, a real cult actor with a knack for doing voice-overs, making people think they're hearing the voice of his more known brother, Martin Sheen. Yes, he's a member of that family.

I have seen Soultaker four times. There's something about it that I like, apparently. Other peculiar films included in my collection are My Bloody Valentine (great Canadian thriller), Just One of the Guys and Flight of the Navigator - all films that I have seen about ten times and which no one seems to have heard of...even though the rock group My Bloody Valentine got their name off one of those films.

And does anyone know whether one can get hold of the American sci-fi series VR.5 and/or the Australian drama series Raw FM on DVD? I used to love those programmes.

Current track: The Prodigy - Everybody in the Place (155 and Rising)

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