
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

06 May 2005

Cat Murderers Get Ridiculous Punishment 

Apparently, it's a major win that two "men" of 18 and 19 years of age respectively got "a whopping" 35 hours of community service and a fine of £400 (each, I hope) for murdering a kitten by putting it into the microwave oven and turning it on at a party last year. Personally, I think it's a farce. I think a more proper punishment would be a minimum of two years at a psychiatric ward. Then, if they had shown real signs of regret, they would be transferred to prison, where they would serve a minimum of five years. Seriously. If they wouldn't show any sign of a bad conscience after two years of psychiatric help, they would serve another year, and so on and so on. They would of course never be allowed to be anywhere near animals, children or elderly patients ever again. After all, being able to something like this once is proof of a very wicked and dangerous disposition, and they will always be a ticking bomb. No point in playing with fire when there are innocent lives at stake.

Somehow I think this kind of punishment would never happen in a so-called civilised country, and certainly not in this country, where (apparently) we believe in mocking the victims of crime by letting the offenders off the hook with hilariously short sentences, if not just a pat on the back and off you go.

When rapists have more rights than their victims something clearly is as wrong as it gets with the judicial system.

Current track: Nothing. But I feel like putting on some Rammstein.

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Sometimes I really think you'd vote Frp...
Zero tolerance is so PC these post-9/11 days that when I stand up and say I have zero tolerance towards those that wilfully hurt other living creatures, it may even be considered a Socialist viewpoint. :-)
..even.. ;)
:-) They're not particularly known for their zero tolerance levels, more like a "there must be something good in everyone", which I wish to believe but have a problem with trusting when cases like this one come up. Sad, but true.
Even quite a few leftists, at least one that I know well ;-), would agree that certain persons are born evil and grow worse!
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