
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

02 May 2005

Microsoft Rides Again! 

Microsoft truly is the sign of what's wrong with corporate countries (i.e. - let's face it - the Western world). Their latest amazing move is to ignore what everyone else is doing and keep their Hotmail "offer" to include 1 MB of storage (not 1 GB, like Yahoo! and Gmail and probably others as well) - in addition, any spam you receive on Hotmail counts towards your 1 MB quota, whileas the others ignore them. I am simply amazed. So Hotmail/Microsoft wants us to upgrade to Hotmail Plus for a mere something a month, giving us less storage and more grief than the other free alternatives. And more spam! Hotmail is, after all, the most spam-ridden e-mail account provider.

I am not going to mention Windows this time.

Current track: Various - Venn

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