
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

23 September 2005

And They Go Live! 

Hehe, I don't usually watch The Bill, in fact I cannot remember ever having watched that programme, but tonight I just had to, since they went live (celebrating ITV's 50th birthday). We were mostly watching to witness any mistakes, because we are cruel. They were quite good and the event went quite well...except for a couple of very silly mistakes. It was kind of like if they had to screw up, they had to go all the way. When someone is shot, there usually is instant blood protrusion, not a strange popping sound and a vessel bursting a few seconds later. We laughed so hard we almost burst a few vessels ourselves. There were a few minor mix-ups, like the mic boom turning up in awkward places and a few cameras shaking, but the cues could have been better. Perhaps it was a bit too obvious for us, but our suggestion would be to have the actors start walking a bit before the upcoming cue, maybe just chatting about unimportant stuff, instead of waiting for their cue before starting to walk. This happened so many times it was becoming annoying by the end. Anyway, the major stunts went well (I think...), and that was their main concern, so well done everyone on the set, let's hope they had a great party afterwards!

In other news, Kate Moss says she's sorry. What an arse (and I don't mean in a physical sense)!

And the Swedish meatballs they sell at my local supermarket really are Swedish meatballs and should hereby consider themselves to be recommended by at least one Norwegian.

Current track: I'm currently listening to the freight trains going past my window.

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