
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

16 September 2005

Fern and Phillip 

That's "the Phillip with TWO L's", not Philip "I know how to sing your brains out" Quast, frequently mentioned on this blog (gee, I wonder why...). No, Fern and Phillip are the presenters of This Morning on ITV. Since I am currently...uhmm...self-employed (full-time jobseeker, not living off the state), I usually turn on the telly when I've woken up and "washed me bits" (that's such a disgusting expression, but when the rather high-up-on-the-eww-scale Peter Thompson off BBC3's The Week the Women Went said it, we rolled around laughing and eww-ing as if it were a contest between us). This Morning tends to appear shortly afterwards, and I just love those two. They're often mentioned in all the blunder programmes because they both like to laugh a lot and have a rather cheeky sense of humour. Turns out you don't have to watch any blunder show just to see them stray from the script, because they do this every day and always end up laughing. The chemistry between them is such a great one and when Fern starts laughing, it doesn't take long before Phillip starts and then we're all off.

I just wanted to mention that, before going back to my extremely busy schedule (continuing watching "This Morning", then having breakfast while watching Watching the Dead and probably ending up playing The Sims 2, since I received the new expansion pack, Nightlife, in the post yesterday (not by DHL, mind).

Current track: Nothing.

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