
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

12 October 2005

£2000 = Oooh! 

Our "big day out" was to turn up for the Paul O'Grady Show down at ITV's South Bank studios. I would recommend that any potential audience member should (after having received a ticket, of course) start queueing at least one hour before they open the doors. When we arrived there must have been at least a hundred people there already, and this was 45 minutes before we were let in.

Anyway, it was real fun to go there because we got to see a lot of the backstage area (we were guided past several studios) and then actually witnessing the show first hand without having to be on telly (not too keen on that). Paul was just as brilliant as we thought he'd be. I usually watch his show daily and I think it's amazing that they let him have a talk show during the afternoon, before the infamous watershed.

And I finally found out whether the programme is transmitted live or not. It's not. Well, not on Thursdays and Fridays, anyway. We were there when they filmed the Friday one. Of course, this way we get to see it again. Uhmm...because we couldn't possibly set the VCR/DVD recorders...hmm...

Current track: Nothing right now.

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