
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

28 October 2005

Feeling Distressed? 

There's usually someone out there who has a worse day than you do. This guy, for instance:

It makes me laugh out loud every time I see it. I must be evil.

(If the image doesn't move, you have a problem with your browser.)

Yesterday was the hottest 27 October in more than a hundred years, apparently. We had 21 degrees centigrades here and people were wearing nothing but trousers and t-shirts, some even shorts. Nice.

Current track: Weezer - The Other Way


They're not wearing underwear and socks then?
For once I didn't just write "shorts", but threw in a t-shirt as well, thinking my readers were clever enough to understand what was omitted, but I was wrong, apparently. *winks*
Well you never know about these brits... And I'm very clevar! Hoo r u taking abowt!
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