
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

24 October 2005

I Predict a Riot! 

That would be me, actually, after seeing tonight's episode of Waking the Dead. Bloody nuisance, those cliffhangers. Now, if they don't return for a sixth series I may have to stare at someone quite sternly. Grr.

We're going to the theatre tomorrow evening. I had a nightmare the other night where we were the only people in the audience and that the actors kept focusing on us and the whole thing was very embarrassing, especially when we fell asleep. Ahem. It's a comedy and one of the actors has been a true favourite of mine for 13 1/2 years (I could probably find the exact time down to the nearest hour, too), so I seriously doubt I'd fall asleep - but it has happened before (albeit due to jet lag, but highly embarrassing nevertheless), so you never know.

We cleared the dining table for the first time in many months today, in order to play Scotland Yard, a game I already have somewhere in my parents' house but which I've wanted to play again for years - so what else is there than ordering it online? This game is perfect for a Londoner or anyone wanting to visit London as it teaches you a lot about the layout of Central London. Three thumbs up!

Current track: Georg Friedrich Händel - Wassermusik (Luft)

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Hi, I don't know if I can post here. Testing!

We've got that game, it is good!
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