
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

08 October 2005

No News is...Good News? 

I haven't gone back to the bank since that fateful day, because...well, I don't know if I have enough patience for annoying people. I shall have to soon, though.

Last Friday (a week ago) we went to see "Second from Last in the Sack Race" which the Woodhouse Players were performing in Leytonstone (just a short busride away...well, not as short as we would like it to be, perhaps, especially not when scruffy-looking people smoking something with the distinct smell of "herbs" enter and try to poison the whole wagon). It was rather good and we quite enjoyed ourselves.

Then on Sunday I discovered that my favourite TV detective nowadays uses the exact same laptop that I have. They showed it for about a second, but I have a keen eye for detail (when I feel like it, ahem) and recognised it straight away. Of course, since I can't help myself and tape every episode (yeah, so arrest me), frame by frame search helped to confirm my suspicion. And for those who wonder what the hell I'm talking about, you clearly haven't read my blog closely these past few weeks. Click here.

(Skip this following paragraph if you don't know Victor Hugo's Les Misérables, as it contains a spoiler in the form of a song title) On Wednesday we had dinner at four while watching the Liam Neeson/Geoffrey Rush film version of Les Misérables before hurrying down to the tube station. By the time we arrived we realised we'd left home much too late and took the tube only halfway before hopping onto a cab. You see, thanks to Red Ken's "Everyone's London" campaign, we'd bought tickets to see Les Mis at a reduced price. My flatmate didn't know the story well enough (even though I've run it by her several times while forcing her to listen to one of the (many) recordings I have of the musical) so that's why we watched the film first. The cabbie laughed at us when we asked if he could get us to the theatre on time. As you may know, theatres are NOT like cinemas and tend to close their doors and actually start the show on time. I know, it's preposterous, isn't it! Anyway, the cabbie was a very nice man and wouldn't stop talking (which was fine by us), but we quickly understood there was no way in hell we'd arrive on time. Luckily we're Scandinavian-looking girls and were let in anyway, fifteen minutes into the performance. I would like to apologise to the person sitting next to me as I nearly fell over her when I sat down. Well, it's been a little over a year since I last saw the musical and the cast had unfortunately changed. Not that that was a really bad thing, since I actually discovered one of the best Valjeans I've heard (no wonder, John Owen-Jones knows how to sing, having performed in numerous musicals, including an enormous amount of performances as the Phantom) as well as Enjolras (Shaun Escoffery) and was quite impressed with the Javert-of-the-day (Jeff Nicholson). I am, as you may have realised by now, quite evil and despite the fact that I thought he did a very good job, I couldn't help but grin when he didn't receive any applause when singing "Javert's Suicide". Being an avid fan of a couple of other Javerts (Quast & McCarthy) I may be biased, but they always receive(d) much applause after this song. Of course, not applauding means I was part of a lousy audience. Well, at least they got a standing ovation at the end and they're celebrating their 20th anniversary tomorrow/today (the eighth). Fantastic!

Then someone provided me with tapes of a few TV programmes from back home, and gasp! Why didn't anyone tell me the King of Standup (and I don't care who you may prefer, for me there is only one) - Eddie Izzard - had appeared on a talk show there? Good thing I got to see it, so thank you.

And why on earth - I'm sure this is out of spite, because it's just unbelievable - why did they start showing Waking the Dead again in Norway; the series I still haven't seen; just a few weeks after I moved across the pond? That's just not fair. Meanwhile, we are eagerly, nay - desperately awaiting the rest of the series to be released on DVD, but the Beeb only released the first series last month, and there are another four to go before we're up to date. This'll take years!

Now I'm cross.

Current track: Philip Quast - Stars

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