
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

20 October 2005

What are You Doing Here? 

I wonder.

I also wonder if I'm a little bit too enthusiastic about words. Earlier today I read the word "zakmes" in a Dutch advertisement, right beneath the picture of a pocket knife. Then I thought "how odd, it's the same as in English." I mean, "zak" means "pocket", "mes" means "knife". Well, duh. It's the same in Norwegian and Swedish, so I don't know why I was so surprised. It's like I was thinking "well, that is clever, and I always thought the Dutch were so backwards!" - I don't think so, because I know quite a few of them and have been in love with their country and language since I was little. So there.

Current track: David Bowie - Eight Line Poem


I don't know about the others, but I come here for the porn and the salad bar. Doei!
I knew it!
I'm just checking that you're still alive and kicking! And you sure are! ...in case you wondered...
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