
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

27 December 2005

6 Inches of Snow! Panic! 

I'm sorry, but I may have to sound a little bit condescending right now. The Brits are cute. Really. The main news today is that there has been a snowfall this morning, even reaching six inches in places! The best comment came on the ITV News when they said they were working "day and night to keep the roads open". I'm seriously laughing my head off.

On the other hand, today may be a rollercoaster ride of emotions as I was watching the "Best Eurosong Ever" show earlier and basically had tears in my eyes through most of the show. I'm way too emotional. Early menopause? I'm beginning to wonder... Anyway, the winner (no one beats ABBA) was the right one, and I'm celebrating by playing all their songs in one go (well, those I have, that is). My neighbours may start complaining soon.

I had a very nice yuletide celebration; good food, nice presents (I got both of the Norwegian "family" films Kamilla & Tyven and no one asked me why I wanted them), and I got to see large parts of my family, so I'm very satisfied. It's good to back in London, though. Apparently, I entertained my whole family, especially two of my cousins, with stories about this wretched country, and possibly made them into more of a patriot than they already are.

Telly over there leaves quite a lot to be desired, though, when you are getting used to the (rather annoyingly) enormous supply from the British channels. To think that Christmas used to be my favourite telly time of the year! Of course, back then we didn't even have a VCR, so the films they used to show were awesome (one year they showed Monty Python's The Meaning of Life and I was in heaven). However, they started showing Bleak House, one week after it completed on BBC1, the day before I left, and this is very good news, especially for my parents who are great fans of everything related to BBC drama. "Shake me up, Judy!" Eww...

I have to come back to the Eurosong programme I watched earlier today. I have to comment on the fact that I think the Brits, who are so bloody cynical and think Eurosong is a great laugh and yet compete every year, should look upon Norway as they big heroes. After all, Norway has come last more than any country and that's probably something the Brits should be aiming for, since they always claim to hate the show so much (yet they have become number two 15 times out of 50 and won five times...who's fooling whom? Bad losers, I say. And Terry Wogan, bless him, may have something to do with it.)

Current track: ABBA - Chiquitita (told you I was listening through their songs)

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Panic? Gimme a break.


...your point being?

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