
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

03 December 2005

And here is another film I'm very much looking forward to. I have been for the past three months, and there are still two months to go. Patience, my friends, is everything.

I don't know what compelled me to suddenly start looking for old friends and acquaintances on the net. The strange and/or wonderful thing is that I could hardly remember any names. The names I did remember quite surprised me. For instance, my old dance partner (he apparently is a lawyer now and was partly educated at Harvard) and a couple of girls from my class in primary school, simply because they shared the same first name.

Hardly anyone I know are mentioned on the web.

Then again, neither am I! *winks*

Current track: Roll Deep - The Avenue

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Funny that you should mention that. Not ha-ha funny, more like "really, huh.. that's... *yawn*.. funny." funny. I searched for relatives and names of people I had known on wednesday or something. Apparently my cousin is a professional singer with a few albums released and is currently living in Oslo. Funny, huh! Yeah!
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