
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

03 December 2005

This is an Ex-Box! 

So, all you lucky bastards/sad twits who got your hands on an Xbox 360 today -- is it as good as they claim it to be? Or is it even better? I think maybe I'd like to have one, but I won't buy one for at least a year. First of all, the price will drop. Second of all, we all know that there tends to be rather a lot of bugs with the first few firmware versions (some never arrive at an acceptable level). Third of all, many of these games will be available on the PC. And fourth of all, I've kind of set my mind on Nintendo's next offer, actually, especially due to the compatibility with older games, something which is essential to my eclectic taste. The fact that Nintendo works closely with Square Enix, who make what I consider to be exceptionally brilliant role-playing games, sways me rather thoroughly towards that part of the gaming arena during the next year. I know a certain Gamecube game that I would buy the second I had the "Revolution" in my possession.

And I still feel most loyal to the PlayStation, so when their third wonder appears in the shops, I may see some trouble ahead, financially.

I will tell you about the last two film premieres I went to, I'm just trying to find the note on which I wrote the names of those I had seen...

Current track: Barenaked Ladies - Another Postcard


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