
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

27 January 2006

He-hey, a Second Interview! 

So after six months I am called to my first second interview...only at this point I have been applying for anything I can lay my hands on, really, so it's basically a job which doesn't pay enough for me to fit in on my budget. Oh, well, it's a start. I'll do the interview and we'll see.

I shall be going on my only holiday this year on Monday, it's going to take most of the day and I have decided it's going to be fab. I've actually postponed an interview because of it, that's how fun it's going to be. And tomorrow my flatmate and I will be celebrating someone's birthday (not mine) so I'm looking forward to a great meal and some drinks in a nice bar somewhere off Oxford Street.

Current track: Nothing but the buzzing sound the hard drive emits.


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