
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

13 January 2006

I Am a Moderate Binge Drinker 

Hah. No, there is no such thing as a moderate binge drinker. You're on a binge or you're not. It must be The Word to come out of 2005, I think. So we watched this documentary on the subject tonight (the reporter was rather annoying, actually) and it just confirmed what we already knew, with one twist. It's the first time that I've heard a medical doctor state that alcohol is a drug. Wow. That's pretty harsh. I loved it, of course. And celebrated with a drink.

I read a book today, it's a book I've had for eleven years but which I haven't quite come round to yet...until today. So amidst the washing up and doing the laundry I sat down with a cup of tea and started reading. Didn't really put down the book until around half seven, at which point I admitted to feeling a bit peckish (having nibbled on my nails for the best part of the last three hours). My flatmate suggested Chinese, an idea it took me three seconds to embrace wholeheartedly, considering my planned meal was canned broth and a couple of dry rolls.

Look, it's turned into Friday the 13th! Good luck, everyone!

Current track: South Pacific London 2001 Cast - A Wonderful Guy

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Alcohol is a drug? Well, duh! The signs haven't exactly been missing - the addiction, the influence it has on your mind...
Sardonic Dorothy Parker advises against DRUGS you know :-)

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And DRUGS cause cramps;
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live;

She tried repeatedly to not heed her own advice. Each time but the last she was saved by the skin of her teeth. Btw, it’s certainly true that alcohol is a drug. From a medical standpoint, if not from a social, it’s worse than pot, by far ;-)
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