
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

05 January 2006

"Proper" Fans 

I frequent a couple of forums for fans of certain performers, and there's one thing that always makes me laugh. It's like there's this unwritten rule that no one should mention the performer's looks or sex appeal or anything like that, because that's something that's apparently supposed to be beneath us as real fans. I'll bet you my next ten years' wages that most of us became fans of the person in the first place because of their attractiveness! I know I did, in most cases, whatever weird attraction that might have been at the time, and then things just developed and I learnt to like other aspects of the person. But it's like saying 'I'm attracted to the personality -- looks don't mean anything to me'. That's a load of crap, really. Most of us notice other people by the way they look or sound, not by their personality, because we wouldn't get to know a complete stranger just by chance, like thinking "hmm...I think I'll go out tonight and talk to the first person I see, no matter what". I would give quite a lot to be able to honestly say I'm first attracted to somebody's personality, but it's actually more often their eyes, hair or walk that would make me interested.

I'm also very proud of my contribution to the world of telly by having entered a new series into the IMDb two years ago, and it's still going strong (even being updated)! Such is the fierce competition on IMDb, though, that whatever fact you can come up with you just feel compelled to have it added to their database. That is how I have actually entered two goofs (or "fuck-ups", as I like to call them, with affection, of course) for one of my dearest shows. Stupid girl, slagging off programmes like that! But hey, continuity is important!

And speaking of continuity...I watched both of the Kamilla & Tyven films a few days ago (let's just say it was New Year's Day and I felt like staying in bed throughout). The first film was surprisingly good! I (clearly) didn't think it would be. The second film, however... Well, I had a look at the extras on the DVD and they made a big fuss about the fact that they'd spent so much less time on the sequel than on the original, and seemed to think that this was a good thing. Erm...not so much, I can report from my bedside point of view, at least. The continuity was done poorly, the plot was rather thin and the dubbing was so annoying after a short while that it ruined most of the film for me. I don't know what they were thinking. The sound had worked fine in the first film, with some (in-sync) dubbing here and there, but the second seemed to be dubbed all the way through, and they were saying completely different phrases in many places. It was almost so bad I would like to reimburse my poor mother who bought me the DVD. I fart in their general direction.

Current track: Nothing.

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