
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

08 March 2006

DM in Simlish 

Don't quite know how I managed to miss this piece of news: Depeche Mode records song in Simlish - and for those of you who don't know what Simlish is...what on earth are you doing reading my blog?!

Current track: Nothing.

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Please don't mention DM for a while! I'd like you to know that the DM boys (in nefarious collusion with the malicious and spiteful Nordic weather gods) are responsible for a MAJOR catastrophy of unconscionable consequences that took place near Oslo on 28 February. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it reached the BBC and News of the World.
Due to a more than heavy snowfall there were severe traffic delays which looked like preventing a certain driver from getting to a DM concert in time. Not known for exaggerated patience the said driver tried to put the slippery taxi/bus-lane to good use. Excessive hooting and a raised don't-offend-the-prophet-taxi-man-finger distracted the poor driver who ended up in the ditch. A fat fine and no concert was the dire result. To make it worse the next day concert reviews were (near) raving. However, a friend of the driver's offspring and DM fan was rather disappointed with the concert, 'mere routine' being the verdict. That made for some consolation and improvement in the driver's dep(r)eched mood :-( (At least he didn't pay for the ticket)
This is not good enough, Aug - I was counting on you for giving me a completely biased review of the concert! Tsk, tsk. You shall have to be severely punished in the near future. I think shovelling snow for a living would be appropriate.
Then I shall starve ... where I'm now there isn't a speck of that awful white stuff. Couldn't we go for shovelling oranges instead, or if that be too leniant .. lemons perhaps?
Actually, I don't think thy ever stopped recording, but their style has changed quite a lot over the years. I like all their stuff, of course, being the blatant worshipper that I am. ;-)
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