
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

08 March 2006

Hmm... Weird. 

I've been made one of the three project managers for an online translation project. All I asked was if they needed some help.

Must remember not to volunteer for things.

I overheard a French guy speaking with some English person on the phone today, in his "outrrrageous" French accent. In the middle of everything he suddenly said 'vell, 'e cannot do zat, it iz like finding a monkey!' I would like an explanation about that expression. Any explanation will do.

Current track: Nothing.

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I'll bet he was talking about a French Monkey drink, with red wine and Orangina® orange soda. If not, he must have been referring to a French Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey ( http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/images/blpic-frenchsurrendermonkey.htm ), that's the only other possibility .. no two ways about it ;-)
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