
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

01 April 2006


As I have to spend about one and a half hours one way to and fro work every morning these days, I keep my Zen at hand and have managed to listen to Madonna's newest album five times this week; it has quite clearly become a huge favourite of mine. Pure disco, pure joy.

The connection goes from Madonna via Evita to Philip Quast. According to one of my most important daily visited websites, The PQ Guide, his new film is scheduled to wrap up just in time for him to come home for Easter. OK, so the "home" part is open for discussion as he probably considers Australia to be his real home. Nevertheless, this means the Evita rehearsals will start very soon and I cannot even begin to express how important this piece of news is to me. "Giddy" is the right word, I think.

Current track: Madonna - Push

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