
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

08 May 2006

Annoyed on the Tube 

I know there are so many other things going on in this world that it's very silly being annoyed at little things, but I have a sore throat and will have one for two more days and then it'll turn into a full-blown cold and I'm not looking forward to that.

As I was walking to the tube after work today, I very quickly realised I was walking behind one very sweaty man indeed. I walked briskly past him and aimed for the front carriage as I was pretty sure I would get rid of him that way.

Well, guess what. Of all the seats on all of the six or seven carriages, he sat down right next to me. Luckily he got off at the next station. Unfortunately he was replaced by a man with very bad breath.

I think people who have bad breath should be banned from public places if they can't learn to keep their mouths shut. I mean, seriously, smelling something very much like dog shit coming out of someone's mouth is really disgusting. I dread having bad breath myself and would rather cover my mouth or turn my head when laughing or talking to people, and I truly hope that if it turns out my breath is horrible, someone would tell me.

And I just had a long chat on the phone with a friend whom I haven't seen for a couple of years, so all is well. Feels good!

Another thing which feels good, is the prickly feeling of glee when I see the posters for the new X-Men film popping up on my way to work. And someone said something about the first Evita posters being put up these days! Eeeeek! How will I survive the show itself? I will probably have a seizure and be carried out of there within the first three minutes.

Current track: Some Motown-sounding piece of music.

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