
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

23 May 2006

Late Night Parlour Games...sort of 

Last night I played poker, which was nice. I came fourth out of eleven. Not bad for someone who's never played poker 'live' before. Then again, I only won one hand and basically sat out most of the rest. :-)

I have started working real shifts, which is also nice, because it means I've become more of a 'real' employee. Unfortunately it means I will have to work six days in a row. Actually, I don't really mind. Working Sundays, however, is a bit strange because the tube isn't as active and it sort of feels like you pop by work on your day off. Which makes the day fly by, of course.

I am thinking of getting a satellite dish. When I have the money. Far off into the distant future, in other words. I would like to be able to watch Norwegian telly here. There are a few things I miss about that, you see. But it'll cost me, so it's definitely a project for the future.

Considering going to see MI:III tomorrow and possibly X3 during the weekend, although I have a feeling I will wait until after the Bank Holiday. I am really looking forward to the latter and since I heard from a very reliable source (hi, Cato!) that the former is a must-see, I really have no choice. Darn. *winks*

Current track: The theme tune for the Paul O'Grady Show

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