
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

20 May 2006

Midway through the Eurosong 

Right. OK. So, first of all: To those of you who are doing the sing-along thing at the Beeb: The lyrics aren't necessarily directly translated. I know this for a fact, as the Norwegian lyrics are not too similar too the English translation. And then, a little tip for our dearly beloved Terry Wogan: The Norwegian song? It does not sound Irish. It's pure Norwegian folk. You should know this, Terry, that our two histories are sort of woven together, down to the music. What sounds Irish to you, is very, very Norwegian to us.

So, midway through the Eurovision Song Contest, I'm afraid I have a few favourites. I will be voting for the Norwegian one, because...I can. Haha! And I quite like it. I will also be voting for the Finnish one, since it's alternative enough for me to be a breath of fresh air. The German one was kind of nice, as was the Danish entry. I like the British one, but since I can't vote for that one, I will pick a couple of others.

Current track: Turkey's Eurosong entry

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