
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

19 May 2006

One Day till Eurosong 

Two days ago we celebrated Norway's constitutional day at the Norwegian church and seamen's mission in Rotherhithe, southeast London. It was quite nice, lots of people (I think the place was full, since some had to sit on the benches by the wall) and nice coffee, cakes, waffles (the edible sort) and last, but certainly not least, we visited their kiosk where we bought Norwegian sweets and fizzy drinks (there is nothing quite like Solo). Heaven! Unfortunately the entertainment was a bit on the cheesy side (not the edible sort), but we managed to disregard that because of the celebration. We then went back home, stopped by the pub for a couple of hours and talked loudly about sex.

Tomorrow sees one of the main events of the year happening in Greece, namely the Eurovision Song Contest. This year I am going all sophisticated and will make a real Excel spreadsheet for all the votes. I usually do this on a piece of paper and never look at it again. This way I can gather all the information I need for the looming verbal assault on Sweden ('you did not give us one single vote again, you bastards, even though we gave you 12 points'). Denmark, however, will of course give us their 12 points.

And when I say 'us', I mean Norway. The British entry is interesting and definitely an outsider, but may very well be cheesy enough for the Germans to give it their 12 points. France will vote for Turkey and Bosnia and Russia and all of those as per usual, Cyprus will not dare giving their maximum points to anyone but Greece, and Portugal the same when it comes to Spain. You can really find the European countries with the inferiority complex around this time of year.

Current track: Nothing.

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Re the celebration .. who won the sack race?
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