
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

30 May 2006

Rights for Sex Offenders 

That is not a statement, just a headline. My personal view on sex offenders is rather radical in that they should be snip-snipped the moment their first (and hopefully only) sentence.

However, that is not what I wanted to mention (even though I like expressing my views, of course, to my flatmate's great dismay when we're watching something that really provokes me...I usually come up with a more moderate approach the next day). Apparently, there is a new Dutch political party being founded these days, and they are looking to lower the age of consent to 12 and legalise child pornography. One reader of the paper Algemeen Dagblad said that they should be allowed to voice their opinions, but fortunately their opinions will not achieve anything due to intelligent people staying away from the party.

Let's hope they're right. Liberalism is supposed to liberate people, not punish them, and in this case it is quite clear that the victims are the children, not the perverted paedophiles who cannot fight their urges. Get a life.

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