
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

14 May 2006

Sunday Afternoon 

Have a look at this article in the Sunday Times about the upcoming Evita musical.

I watched the whole FA Cup final yesterday. Not quite sure how that came about, but apparently it was the best FA Cup final in fifty years, according to the very excited BBC commentators, and I was trying to leap into the telly a few times myself (rooting for West Ham, of course, one does take proud in one's neighbourhood after all), so I'm pretty glad I did see it.

By the way, don't go shopping on a Sunday. Too crowded.

Current track: Aaron Hall - Don't be Afraid

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You actually watched football!?! I don't understand... When did this transformation take place? Didn't you dislike football? Or was that me? Yes, it was... Although a certain someone loves football, so I have forced myself to look at a few matches when "his" teams have played. I am never able to endure it for long, I must admit.

It was sooo fucking nice to talk to you. We must do that soon, and by that I don't mean: Hey, let's give it another year...

A warming and loving hug from Monsoon
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