
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

20 May 2006

Terry Wogan... 

...claims he's not drunk, but he must be by now! Certainly sounds like it.

And I think we may say congrats to Finland - about time!!!

Current track: Nothing.


hah I watched Eurovision last night and thought I should find your blog, since you're the person who brought the show to my attention initially. :)

I loved that Finland won (though there were some other highlights, I was almost never agreeing with Terry on the acts. I mean, what was his obsession with Greece?) Did you happen to catch the name of the Finnish band? I just keep seeing 'Finland', even on the BBC news this morning. heh.
Lordi, they are called, and according to one of the Finns here it means "Claw" or "Talon" or something like that. :-)
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