
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

13 June 2006

What Can I Say about Evita? 

It's taken me several days to comment upon Friday night's performance of Evita. Not just because I was busy at work (the World Cup has started, and boy, have we noticed!), but also because I wanted to make sure I was writing the right review.

Let's just start by once again stating that I was biased when watching this. I counted the minutes until Philip Quast entered the stage (27, by the way). That does not mean that the first half hour was boring, rather the opposite. Great music, nice flow, and all in all I was pleasantly surprised about the number of slightly older ensemble members. Very good move! I am sick and tired of this being a business for those under 30 only. Especially since I'm getting there myself, soon, ahem! (LOL!) I was sitting next to a nice couple from...ermm...somewhere in Wales, I think, who were exalted as well and we were chatting away during the interval. Nice to see Matt Rawle on stage, as it wanted me to run straight home after the performance and listen to Martin Guerre. Not that I actually, did, mind! It's on my list for when the weather is cooler (which seems to be today and for a few more days, since I start my three days off tomorrow). Elena Roger was of course very good, it was a joy listening to her almost effortless singing. Hearing her and Philip together was a goosebumby experience.

All in all, if Evita is this good after one week of previews, I think the rest of the West End should look out when it actually premieres! Looking forward to the cast album, as there was a lot of great music in there, and of course the next performance I will be attending, in August.

Current track: Nothing. I'm at work, after all!

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Hi. I found your blog from the Philip Quast Guide message board. I must say that I am terribly jealous of the fact that you live in England where you can actually see him perform live. And I loved that you timed how long it took until Philip Quast was on stage. Although...I would probabaly do that too if I ever get to see him perform.

Anywho, it was nice reading that you enjoyed the show!
Hi, Jennifer!

Yes, I am a frequent visitor on that message board (read: several times a day). I remember creating an "emergency pack" some years ago, which basically was some money that I set aside for the unlikely chance that I suddenly needed to go to London to see PQ perform in a one-off or something. I would recommend saving some money for such an occasion, if possible, as seeing/hearing him live is a once-in-a-lifetime experience (which makes it a bit unfair that I have seen him three times, I suppose).
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