
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

20 August 2006

Orgasmic Gaming 

Yeah, yeah, just thought I'd catch your eye there for a moment.

In case I haven't been going on and on and on about this game yet, please read up on a future classic and definitely revolutionary game from the already well-accomplished Will "Everything Sim related" Wright - Spore. I have been hearing about this game for about...uhmm...much more than a year now? And the release is still more than a year away. But when it arrives...my god, I may just die from excitement.

It's still not my ultimate game, though, and I dare say I will never, ever see that game in real life, but dearest Will has in fact been closer to bringing me that game than any other developer. And who knows what the future will bring? (Those who do, must be either very scared or very bored.)


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