
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

18 September 2006

My Thoughts on... 

...the new Maria: Absolutely brilliant! The best choice won, by far. She was the only one who could sing in key and did so persistently. She is also already a trained musical artist and an all-round likeable person. Well, that is before all this commotion possibly inflates her ego. Here's to Connie!

...the most annoying things on the tube: At first, I thought it must be people who try to squeeze themselves into the carriage before letting people off, but that is just a momentary annoyance, isn't it? (Unless you're a person who broods ill-will for months) However, people who sit down next to you and SMELL, really badly, are the most annoying to me. Because you can bet they are going the exact same route as yourself, so you cannot get rid of them either. How about a wash? How about NOT eating a ton of garlic the night before you go to work? How about brushing you teeth and making sure you eat food you can actually digest properly?

...the new series of Spooks: I am very eagerly awaiting every new episode. I love this show and have been aware of the...uhm...tension between Harry and Ruth since series two, so my romantic self would like to see something happening there. Seems like the writers may finally be caving in to what the actors have been treating us to for a long time.

...online grocery shopping: Fabulous when it actually works! Must post pictures of my first attempt. A little bit afraid when the guy brought four boxes of groceries to my door and all the carrier bags filled our kitchen floor. Oops.

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Not stuffing oneself with garlic when the opportunity is there?
Garlic is a most underrated panacea! Didn’t you know that:
1. Garlic contains more than 200 vitamins and minerals, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, and even the anti-carcinogenic agent selenium.
2. Garlic impedes the growth of tumours and is superior to penicillin in fighting 8 types of bacteria which are immune to antibiotics.
3. Goes a long way in preventing heart attacks.
4. Alleviates pains you don’t even know that you are suffering from.
Mixed with honey, vinaigrette, and cocoa powder it:
5. reduces pains stemming from arthritis and rheumatism.
6. lowers the level of cholesterol and hypertension.
7. accelerates the blood circulation.
8. diminishes tooth pain and inflammation of the ear.
9. prevents diarrhea.
10. lessens exaggerated blood thickness.
11. ameliorates pains of haemorrhoids.
12. mitigates indigestion.
13. lightens constipation.
14. removes tiredness.
15. quenches fever.
16. subdues ravenous appetite.
17. and absolutely delivers you from flatulence.
These are but a few of the multitudinous blessings of GARLIC according to Emily Thacker’s ‘The Garlic Book’. You’d better believe her ;-) (not that I’m insinuating that you need to be rescued from any of the listed causes of acute discomfort). Btw, if you wolf down a raw bulb (10-15 raw cloves) a day, you won’t be noticing any smell of GARLIC from your neighbours or fellow commuters on the tube or elsewhere.
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