
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

17 October 2006

Dangerous Workplace 

I found this email to be rather funny:

Dear All,

The guillotine has been removed from the post room on the first floor. If you have removed the guillotine could you please return it as soon as possible as several people need to use it.

Also, read more about the opening of Monty Python's Spamalot in the West End here.

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I won't be going to see Spamalot after all, so it's up to you to brave your soul into the dark and mysterious world of Monty Python musicals!
No, that's not right. You cannot maroon us on Oblivion Island just like that. Someone has to see it and report back to me!

The most exciting thing we have at the office is a button machine...

Say no more...

I wish I could see it, but the prices are quite mad, therefore you should see it :D Here's hoping it'll come out on dvd - or better yet, be made into a movie.
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