
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

17 February 2007

London is a Small Place 

About a week ago I posted the link to FeelTheEdge.com, a project where a near-blind guy basically snowboards for charity. Two days ago I saw him on the tube. So if any of you thought it was a spoof or something, he actually exists, and he does have a snowboard.

And for some strange reason, my post where I apologised for not discussing bird flu, ended up on BirdFluBreakingNews.com's list of interesting bird flu blogs. They clearly have no idea about how to make a spider program checking the Net.

I have watched The Last King of Scotland, Babel and For Your Consideration lately and they were all good. The two former better than the latter, but as I am highly biased towards any film made by the people behind For Your Consideration, I would recommend that one as well. In fact, I think I already did that earlier this year, without having seen it yet. Oh, well.

We have a favourite pizza take-away from which we order...uhmm...way too often. Today the pizza delivery guy greeted us with a "long time since I saw you". Should we have invited him in for coffee?

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My my, you have been watching some good ones lately - what did you think of Babel? I thought it was a bit like Syriana in the sense that it had a lot of stories scrambled and when they all came together, it got a bit messy. It did seem to be one depressing story after another though. That's life, eh!
Babel was rather good, but also rather depressing. I felt a bit hopeless at times--I wanted to go into the film and shake some sense into a few of the people.
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