
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

12 February 2007

Perfume - Short Review 

Perfume - The Story of a Murderer; the story of a perverted moron, more like, but certainly a feast for the eyes, this film! Honestly, if you like beautiful photography and camera work, you should see Perfume. The plot was...interesting and silly at the same time, and the film lasted at least 30 minutes too long for such a plot, but at least a couple of my favourites were in it (Dustin Hoffman and of course Alan Rickman).

I have added a new link under "Things that matter"; Feel the Edge. It's all about charity, man! And, uhmm, snowboarding.

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I’ve seen a few home made stills before .. but nothing like this. Btw, ‘Lola Rennt’, also by Tom Tykwer is truly worth a visit, but then .. maybe that’s old news to you? :-)
I taped Run, Lola, Run when it was last on telly and kept it for a year without watching it, so it's clearly not at the front of my mind, even though people keep telling me I should see it. :-)
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