
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

20 March 2007

Julian's Back on Telly 

Not that he has been very far away, but anyway, Julian Clary was back on telly tonight, in the rescue dog training programme The Underdog Show live on BBC2. Interesting and fun programming, actually, but based on a very serious premise from a desperate situation where 100,000 dogs are abandoned in the UK every year and need a good home to go to. Visit Dogs Trust to read more and to sponsor a dog for as little as one pound a week.

To round off tonight's post, I recently found this picture on my computer, and I know none of you (except for the dozens who visit my blog mistaking it for an official site of his) is interested, but I just thought it was a really good photo of Dennis Storhøi. Nighty-night!

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I don't get this."Interesting and fun programming, actually, but based on a very serious premise from a desperate situation where 100,000 dogs are abandoned in the UK every year and need a good home to go to." Could you please enlighten me on this? I keep following all your posts hope you can regularly post more. I get very useful information here. Thanks for having this.

microchipping dogs
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