
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

30 April 2007

How Stupid Can You Get? 

I'm guessing pretty stupid.

Personally, I have managed to delete 99% of my Alan Rickman photos, collected through the last six years, during the last hard drive move. So if anyone has any photo of him that is a must-have, I would appreciate a link, because I can't be bothered to go looking for them all over again. It's really quite amazing how I have managed to do this, and there must have been more than a thousand photos altogether, just disappearing.

Still, leaves a lot more space for other things, and luckily my two most important collections are still intact. ;-) However, having more pictures of Jonathan Ross than of Alan Rickman is slightly disturbing.

No, my Wossy collection is not one of the most important ones. :D

And don't you just love Onion?

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