
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

21 April 2007

There is Nothing Like the Future 

I am currently very much looking forward to the following:

Spider-Man 3 - dubbed "Speidermann" by me by mistake yesterday; funny only to Norwegians, I suppose.
Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End - well, Geoffrey Rush is back, so what's not to look forward to?
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - the fifth film had BETTER have a lot of Snape in it!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - the last book will be released in exactly three months from today and I should probably start thinking about taking a few days off at around that time! After all, I will be going through serious withdrawal and pain after having read it.
The final performance of Evita - it'll be my eighth visit and I am sick and tired of spending so much money on that show. If only I could actually afford it, it would not have been such a problem (duh), but as my debts seem to be growing and not decreasing with every down payment, I really should stop spending my money on...anything, really.

See why I need to have something to look forward to? Jeez, now I've depressed myself. Off to read Freakonomics.

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